First Ever: High Holy Days Services at Florida Society of Jewish Deaf Inc. By President Dr. Martin Florsheim

First Ever: High Holy Days Services at Florida Society of Jewish Deaf Inc. By President Dr. Martin Florsheim

Best Version Media
December 2016

In response to the ever growing number of Jewish Deaf individuals residing in Palm Beach County, Florida Society of Jewish Deaf (FSJD) was established and incorporated in the fall of 2015. Its purpose is to embrace our heritage regardless of branches of Judaism.

With G-d’s blessing, a committee consisting of Deborah Blumenson, June McMachon, Allan Karp and Martin Florsheim agreed to volunteer to lead the High Holy Days services in our own language, American Sign Language. Our prayers were based on the services given by Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf and Jewish Community Center of the Deaf in Broward County. Our meaningful prayers were delivered with an included explanation to enable participants to understand the purpose of the prayers that we faithfully participate in. Allan Karp blew our newly acquired shofar to the best of his ability. Allan Fraenkel lent his family Torah to us. The Torah was used by Allan’s grandfather who was the rabbi in Frankfurt, Germany in early 20th century. We fulfilled the mitzvahs of the High Holy Days in a way that were to true to our beliefs but holding true to the customs we were raised with.

President Florsheim delivered the sermon for each respective service. His sermon for Rosh Hashanah was titled, How important are High Holy Days? With three questions for reflection. They brought us to analyze the importance of our community. During Yom Kippur, his sermon was titled, Florida’s Jewish History. The brief explanation stated that Jewish people have made great contributions to the State of Florida since 1763. In reference to our slogan, “Embracing our Heritage”. It is important for us to strengthen our ourselves including our relationship with G-d for next generation of Jewish Deaf individuals. It is our duty to not only reeducate ourselves but to impart traditions on the next generation. The world is changing and so must the way we approach our religion. We are making our heritage accessible.

The Yizkor service was davened during Yom Kippur. Everyone participated with great commitment and sorrow in the memory of their beloved ones.

With our first time gathering for this holiday: the numbers are not significant but what is important is our pride and excitement that we were able to successfully deliver our services in American Sign Language. Our aspirations is that our signs shall be heard/seen for the next thousands of years celebrating and honoring our heritage, religious beliefs, values and community.

Vice President Carol Trachtenberg coordinated the delicious meal for each service with Westchester Country Club. We are excited to announce that we will have our High Holy Days services on September 21st and 30th, 2017 respectively at Westchester Country Club. More information will be forthcoming during the Spring of 2017.

For High Holy Days services, we will provide a sign to voice translation for hearing individuals upon request.


Source: Best Version Media

Published On: 18 Tevet 5777 (18 Tevet 5777 (January 16, 2017))