Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity

Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity

A non-fiction book, “Far from The Tree” written by Andrew Solomon was first printed in the U.S. in November 2012.

 Published by Scribner, New York, the 962 page talks about how families accommodate children with physical, mental and social disabilities and differences.

On Solomon’s website, one of the people interviewed and published in the book is Jackie Roth who shares her perspective of growing up in both Deaf and hearing worlds.

According to a review, the book tells the stories of parents who not only learn to deal with their exceptional children but also find profound meaning in doing so.

     Play video – www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIcditMTKx4

The book is also available through Amazon – www.amazon.ca/Far-From-Tree-Children-Identity/dp/0743236718

Published On: 28 Nisan 5776 (28 Nisan 5776 (May 6, 2016))