Three People Recognized By Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf – SoCalifornia

Three People Recognized By Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf - SoCalifornia

At our Hanukkah celebration last December we honored the commitment and staying power of three very conscientious people: President, Joe
Slotnick, (pictured right) who is beginning his 25th year of service to TBS, leading us with confidence and assurance to face many difficult
challenges that this new century has brought. The TBS Board of Directors voted unanimously to bestow The Hersh Man of the Year honors to Gary
Jacobson, (pictured left) our treasurer, for his wonderful dedication to TBS. His thoroughness and attention to detail to our finances is appreciated beyond words. Our TBS director, Jan Seeley, (pictured center) was recognized for 26 years of

Published On: 23 Shevat 5776 (23 Shevat 5776 (February 2, 2016))