Annual Fundraising – Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf, California

Annual Fundraising - Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf, California

In this letter, Slotnick points out that “TBS was built by a passionate group with a desire for a singularly, unique place for Deaf Jews and the larger deaf community. TBS was sculpted by the creative minds of a few and sustained over the generations by a small group who share a vision. The larger community has nourished and assisted us in our goals these many years and for that we are so deeply grateful.”

TBS was founded in 1960 and celebrates its 55th year during 2015. Donations can be sent to TBS, PO Box 33396, Granada Hills, CA 91394-3396

Source: Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf


Published On: 20 Kislev 5776 (20 Kislev 5776 (December 2, 2015))