Deaf Association in Israel faces challenges

Deaf Association in Israel faces challenges

From Ben Zion hen, The Deaf Association in Israel in a posting on “Deaf Jewish World” group on Facebook (computerized Hebrew to English translation):

“Sitting in front of a computer, to write a blessing for the Passover holiday and describing the importance of the Deaf Association in Israel in the lives of the deaf and hard-of-hearing and its history during 70 years from the date of establishment of the Association, which cared for the deaf, concern in Israel before other associations that have been established, as well as other organizations, irrespective of the deaf has served as both a community and friends!

“The Deaf Association in Israel has succeeded in many battles without support from all the parties, but only with the support of members of the deaf community!

“I am deaf and facing one of the most challenging threats to cope with difficulties and out of concern for the rest of the Deaf Association.

“Don’t forget what the Deaf Association in Israel concern you for 70 years, she enjoying until today:

-In 1953 the first deaf received a driver’s license.

-Recognition of the right of deaf for hours translation refunds, fax etc.

-The establishment of workshops and training courses for safety signs.

-Training of interpreters and torgmaniot, before passing under the Ministry of education and social welfare.

-Exemption from payment of fee tv.

Published On: 12 Iyyar 5775 (12 Iyyar 5775 (May 1, 2015))