Temple Beth Solomon announces its upcoming events:
Friday night Shabbat services
Temple Ahavat Shalom Chapel
18200 Rinaldi Place
Northridge, CA
Twice a month
February 13 & 27th
Senior’s Card Games
Temple Ahavat Shalom
Social Hall
18200 Rinaldi Place
Northridge, CA
10am every Wednesday
Passover Seder (second night)
AirTel Plaza Hotel
with Rabbi Deborah
April 4th
Rabbi Deborah says she and TBS administrator Jan Seeley are working hard on their High Holy Days prayerbook. “We hope to make it easier to translate in sign and that this project will add a new layer of meaning to our High Holy Days experience.”
Jan Seeley celebrated her 25th year of service to TBS in January.
Source: Congregation News