New York Assemblyman charged for fraud and extortion had donated money to hearing impaired support group.

New York Assemblyman charged for fraud and extortion had donated money to hearing impaired support group.

Photo: Sheldon Silver: Accused of $4 million kickback scheme. Getty Images.

An article in The New York Jewish Week on Sheldon Silver being charged by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara for getting over $4 million in bribes in kickbacks, the Jewish community is confused.

Interestingly, a list showing contributions made by Silver mentions “Haazinu for Hearing Impaired Children” who received $48,000.

According to a website for Haazinu, the “organization whose existence is predicated on providing every possible means of assistance to hearing-impaired youngsters. From a fledgling organization catering to a handful of children fourteen years ago, Haazinu now caters to the needs of well over 300 hearing-impaired children throughout the world. From the moment of diagnosis of and on through high school and college years, Haazinu is there with a variety of services to help youngsters and their parents navigate the way to success.

“Haazinu provides the answers to the questions parents of hearing-impaired children frequently ask. More importantly, Haazinu provides the services that will fill each individual hearing-impaired child

Published On: 12 Shevat 5775 (12 Shevat 5775 (February 1, 2015))