British makes film short on Rose Roseman’s experience

FiveNeedlesMany of you remember belovbed TBS member, Rose Feld Roseman, a Holocaust survivor. Many times Rose told us the story of her five needles and now the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust has produced a short film that parallels Rose’s life as a slave laborer in a sewing factory. The drama is based on true events about Deaf Jeiwsh women who were forced laborers in Nazi sewing factories during the Second World War. The women have five needles every day to sew with, but in order to survive, they must keep at least one intact, and avoid breaking the fifth. Starring Deaf actors Fifi Garfield and Jean St Clair, Five Needles is the debut short film from Deaf filmmaker Julian Peedle Calloo, and was made as part of the BSLBT Zoom filmmaking scheme. This film has subtitles for both deaf and hearing viewers:

Source: Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf

Published On: 11 Elul 5773 (11 Elul 5773 (August 17, 2013))