“Three Pointy” Signed Story on iBook/iTunes

pointythreeAdam Stone did an iBook, “Pointy Three” in both English and American Sign Language (ASL). The iBook, which is available in iTunes, has 14 pages.

Lauren Ridloff did the “inline” ASL video which was filmed by her husband, Douglas Ridloff.

According to a review by SignReader which gave the ibook 5 stars: “Download this children’s book if you want to see well-executed, inventive use of this new medium. Pointy Three fills a gap in ASL-English bilingual education by putting the two languages side-by-side. This reveals similarities and differences in how a concept is expressed in each language. Clever story (though I wish utensils were less picky about their friends!), beautifully illustrated, and the videos are produced with the highest quality. I hope this is the first of many and can’t wait to see more from this creative group!”



Actress Lauren Ridloff
presents the story
in American Sign Language.

Source: itunes.apple.com/us/book/pointy-three/id538361566?mt=11

Published On: 19 Adar 5773 (19 Adar 5773 (March 1, 2013))