Congregation News Featured Artist: Claire Bergman

CBergman1October is National Arts and Humanities Month. It is designed to encourage exploration and participation in the arts and humanities. In keeping with this celebration, we honor deaf artist, Claire Bergman for her stunning art, which you can see at the CSUN De’VIA Art Exhibit at the National Center on Deafness beginning Oct 23-Nov 1, 9-4, weekdays.

Bergman was born deaf in New York City and attended Wright Oral School. Her love of art was nurtured from a young age, by her mother, also a painter, who took her to art museums in New York and around the world to see the masterpieces. Her father, who ran a textile printing company, was also a strong influence, as Claire grew up around artistic print patterns in the textile business.

Bergman’s emphasis is on portraits and character studies in oil, watercolor and pen & ink. She has a tremendous resume and we feature some of her paintings and  drawings here to give you a flavor of her tremendous talent. You can see more about her life and see more of her collection at

Bergman is married to Holocaust survivor Eugene Bergman, retired professor of English at Gallaudet. He will speak at CSUN on Nov. 4th as the final event of the Stars Gala hosted by the National Center on Deafness. He will speak about his Holocaust experiences as told in his book, Escape Artist.


Left: “Woman in Red Dress”, right: “Deaf Girl with Interpreter”.




















Source: Congregation News, Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf

Published On: 4 Heshvan 5773 (4 Heshvan 5773 (October 20, 2012))