Captioned Tisha B’av DVD will be available

CCHFThe Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation (CCHF) releases a new video every year that features several popular and inspiring speakers from the Jewish community.

These videos are shown in conjunction with Tisha B’av, a major fast that falls on July 29 this year. Public viewings of this video takes place in many Jewish communities around the world. This yearly video addresses current issues and provides the viewer with lessons and time-tested wisdom as an aid to tackling them.

Last year, for the first time, the CCHF started to caption their video for the benefit of the deaf community. However, because the response was very weak, the CCHF almost decided not to caption this year’s video. Those of you who are interested are encouraged to sign up to receive a free captioned DVD to be sent to your house before Tisha B’av this year.

Showing greater interest in this captioned DVD would motivate CCHF to meet our needs. Donations to their organization would also be accepted.

The number of requests for the captioned version could influence whether they will caption it again next year. There is no charge to get this video which can be requested at

Published On: 12 Tammuz 5772 (12 Tammuz 5772 (July 2, 2012))