Jewish FreeCycle for Deaf Community – Louisiana

JewishFreeCycleWe have been support our Deaf ..Deaf/Blind Community for years volunteering to assist in Tutoring, Raising Awareness and bridging gap Hearing and Deaf.

Now we are wanting to continue our support and outreach.  Jewish FreeCycle has donated clothing to Seniors, Schools, Homeless Shelters.  We have noticed that many in our Deaf Community are struggling in recessed economy and may appreciate support with some basics.  Here is our offer to assist:

We Support Our Awesome Deaf Community.  Deaf (Deaf/Blind, Hard-Hearing ) Group, School, Organization and Community Centers if you would have need of basic clothing items and would appreciate a “Clothing Giveaway” we may be able to assist.

At a function or location (you have available) you may Host a “Clothing Give Away”.  Jewish FreeCycle will donate clean and current clothing  items.  These basic items may include, Men’s & Women’s Clothing, Baby Clothes, Tee Shirts, Pants, Dress, Blouses, Skirts, Toys, Games, Purses, Back Packs.  Please contact  

Brian and Abigail Danyleyko
Voice or Text 985-257-0038
Email [email protected]

Source: Abigail Danyleyko

Published On: 11 Tammuz 5772 (11 Tammuz 5772 (July 1, 2012))