July Video and Blog Postings from JDMM

ParshasBalakParshas Masei
Life is a journey . . . and you are the traveller. This parsha discusses the journeys of the Children of Israel and making 42 stops on the way to Israel. The Torah teaches us that life is indeed an journey. When we look back, we seel stops…

     Play video – jewishdeafmm.org/parshas-masei

Parshas Mattos
Vows are taken very seriously in Judaism. When a person uses a vow to prohibit something on himself, he must be careful not to violate his vow.

But why would the Torah give us the idea of making vows? Doesn’t the Torah forbid enough things for us – do we really have to go and add more to the list?

     Play video – jewishdeafmm.org/parshas-mattos

Parshas Balak
This week’s parshas talks about the king of Moab (Balak) and a non-Jewish prophet (Bilam) who wanted to curse the Jewish nation, but they ended up giving us blessings.

     Play video – jewishdeafmm.org/parshas-balak

Parshas Pinchas
A Jew named Pinchas is the main character in the parsha.He wasn’t born a kohen (a title given to descendants of Aaron the High Priest), but he earned this name after boldly standing up for G-d’s honor.

     Play video – jewishdeafmm.org/parshas-pinchas

Blog Posting: “Boldly Standing Up”

Source: Jewish Deaf Multimedia

Published On: 26 Tammuz 5771 (26 Tammuz 5771 (July 28, 2011))