Video and blog postings from JDMM

JDMM_Riverside_DeafNationThe Jewish Deaf Multimedia (JDMM) posted the following videos and blogs the past month:

> VIDEO: Parshas Behar
Towards the end of the third book (Leviticus) of the Five Books of Moses is Parshas Behar.

The word “behar” literally means “on a mountain” – it refers to Mount Sinai, the mountain on which the Torah was given to the Jewish nation.

In this parsha video from Jewish Deaf Multimedia, you will find out the connection between Mt. Sinai, humility, and a good dose of Jewish pride.

> BLOG: Deaf Nation – Riverside, CA
This past Friday, we were honored to have a physical presence at the Deaf Nation expo in Riverside, California. With BIS Video Relay Services as a proud sponsor, Jewish Deaf Multimedia had a booth among the hundred different booths offering services to the deaf community.

Why was it so important to us to be able to do this?

> VIDEO: Parshas Bechukosai
This week’s parsha – Parshas Bechukosai – is the last parsha in the Book of Leviticus.

“Bechukosai” – “in my laws” – comes from the Hebrew root for “engrave.” Rashi (the foremost commentator on the Torah) explains that this speaks about the mitzvah to study the Torah diligently. What’s the connection between the two?

> BLOG: The Fire Within ASL – A Lag BaOmer Thought

LagBaOmerIn this blog, JDMM elaborates on the connection between sign language and the ultimate purpose of the world (revealed G-dliness).


> VIDEO: Pasha Bamidbar
JDMM starts a new book in the Five Books of Moses – the Book of Numbers. The first parsha in this book is Bamidbar.

In this week’s parsha, we see how G-d commands Moses to take a census of the Jewish nation in the desert. Why would G-d command us to do a census if He already knows the exact number (isn’t He G-d, after all?)? And what does the census teach us about our relationship with G-d?

> BLOG: The Jewish Take on the LIS Controversy
If you have been following the news on the protests in support of LIS (Italian Sign Language), this blog reports on the issue from a Jewish perspective.

> VIDEO: Parshas Naso
Among the various commandments mentioned in this week’s parsha is the mitzvah of bikkurim – first fruits. Every Jewish farmer in Israel was obligated to bring the first fruits of their produce to the Temple in Jerusalem, recite a special “confession,” and then give the fruits to a kohen (descendant of Aaron the High Priest).

Now, if the fruits are given to a kohen in any case, why would a farmer have to travel all the way to the Temple in Jerusalem if he could give these fruits to the first kohen he met – even if he lived next door? Why did he have to go to the Temple anyways?

Published On: 28 Iyyar 5771 (28 Iyyar 5771 (June 1, 2011))