Enroll your child now in a Yeshiva or Hebrew Day school.

JewishSchoolAn announcement from the Our Way at NJCD says “A growing amount of deaf parents are choosing to send their children to local Yeshivos and Hebrew Day Schools. Some of the reasons for this is because the level of education at these schools is higher than at Public Schools. These schools have small classes and the environment is safe.

“Oorah is the name of an organization that helps parents transfer their children to local Jewish Schools. Also when needed they provide limited scholarships to help parents pay tuition. At present there are approximately 10 children whose parents are deaf who are now attending Jewish Schools with the assistance of Oorah.

“If you would like for your children to attend a Jewish School and you need help, please contact us at [email protected]. Explain to us your need and we will connect you with Oorah.

Source: Our Way/NJCD

Published On: 28 Iyyar 5771 (28 Iyyar 5771 (June 1, 2011))