Jewish Deaf Congress (JDC) Update

JewishDeafCongressJDCC News spoke to Phil Jacobs, current JDC president to get update on JDC. The board has been busy preparing for JDC Conference 2011 which will be held July 29-July 3, 2011 at Orlando World Marriott Resort in Orlando, FL.

They also have been working on the JDC bylaws and will be proposing changes to allow members to vote. JDC members have not been able to vote for the past decade.

Events planned at the conference include an ice breaker with hors d’oeuvres, entertainment, Shabbat dinner, Shabbat lunch with guest speaker Howard A. Rosenblum, the incoming CEO of National Association of the Deaf (NAD). Other events include after Shabbat live entertainment, workshops and exhibit booths.

The website states they are making “every effort to ensure the conference will be GLATT Kosher for everybody.

They are “still in stages of selecting which company to provide Kosher supervision/catering.”

Information on JDC Conference 2011 is available at –

The deadline for discounted registration has been extended to April 15th. There is an updated conference flyer.

JDCC officers are:
Phil Jacob, President – [email protected]
Rabbi Fred Friedman, Vice President – [email protected]
Jody Kulchinsky, Vice President – [email protected]

Published On: 5 Adar II 5771 (5 Adar II 5771 (March 11, 2011))