JDMM Video: Parshas Ki Sisa – the Jewish Census.

ParshasKiSisaHow was Moses supposed to count the Jews? According to Jewish law, it’s considered unlucky to count each person directly. So Moses therefore had to count the Jews by collecting a half-shekel coin from each person and then counting the coins themselves. From the total, he would find out the exact number of Jews.

But from the Midrash, we see a strange thing: Moses struggled to understand what the half-shekel was. In fact, he struggled so much that G-d ended up showing him a “coin of fire.”

What was going on? To view the Parshas Ki Sisa video – jewishdeafmm.org/parshas-ki-sisa

Published On: 19 Adar I 5771 (19 Adar I 5771 (February 23, 2011))