Congregation Bene Shalom mentioned in Chicago Jewish News Online

ChicagoJewishOnlineFrom “A select education guide” on The Chicago Jewish News Online:

Congregation Bene Shalom
(847) 677-3330

Adults enjoy learning with Rabbi Goldhamer on Sunday mornings. Currently, Rabbi Goldhamer is teaching “Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?” based on the Biblical text of Ecclesiastes. The class meets every other Sunday from 9:30-11 a.m. and is open to the public. In addition, Rabbi Goldhamer is teaching a class on “Genesis: An Introduction to the Bible,” on alternating Monday nights, from 7:30-9 p.m. The class is open to the public. Rabbi Ellen Roth is teaching a class on “Tales of the Talmud” also on Monday nights, at 7 p.m. The class is taught in American Sign Language (no vocalization).

The Charles Pick Religious School of Congregation Bene Shalom is a unique program where children learn to communicate with G-d not only through spoken prayer but also through age-appropriate spiritual meditation, yoga and American Sign Language. Our students participate in “Tikkun Olam,” repairing the world through both social action and environmental activities.

At Congregation Bene Shalom, pre-school through high school students participate in an inclusive program with low student-teacher ratios which strives to meet the needs of each and every student. Our one day Religious School Program meets on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. There is an additional hour of Hebrew instruction from 12-1 p.m. for our 3rd through 6th grade students, in order to provide Hebrew school instruction while meeting the needs of today’s busy families.

It is our goal to be a program where our students can form positive relationships with their rabbis, their teachers and make new friends. We strive to make our religious school a place where our students not only learn to love Judaism, but also a place where our students enjoy coming to school.

All families are welcome at Congregation Bene Shalom and all family members are treated with respect and encouraged to participate in all areas of religious practice. We offer family programs, parent classes, an involved Parents’ Group, and holiday celebrations throughout the year.


Published On: 14 Adar I 5771 (14 Adar I 5771 (February 18, 2011))