JDMM: Parshas Terumah video

ParshasTerumahJewish Deaf Multimedia (JDMM) has started a series of video reports on Parshas Terumah focusing on the Tabernacle in the desert.

The Torah tells us that the purpose of the building of the Tabernacle was so that G-d would have a place for His Presence to dwell in. In the Torah’s words: “Let them make a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8).

But a question arises: Why would G-d, who is infinite and is not only found in one specific place . . need a physical sanctuary for His Presence?

To view the Parshas Terumah video – jewishdeafmm.org/parshas-terumah

Published On: 27 Shevat 5771 (27 Shevat 5771 (February 1, 2011))