Lisa Apfelberg posted a local announcement inviting people to “join us for a potluck brunch which will provide the Deaf Jewish community with an opportunity to get to meet each other and to make plans for other events throughout the year!”

This event, which is free, is open to everyone. “You do not need to be a JCC member and no prior Jewish knowledge is necessary. Interpreter will be present. Be a part of helping to form this group – we want your input to help us make plans for social and educational events throughout the year!”

The brunch takes place at Jewish Community Center (JDCC), 7300 Hart Lane, Austin, TX 78731 on Sunday, April 18 from 10 am to 12 pm.

For more information, contact Apfelberg at [email protected]

Published On: 6 Iyyar 5770 (6 Iyyar 5770 (April 20, 2010))