Creative Services Group

We had 28 of us celebrating Chanukah at Hana Niv’s place on December 12th. First, a big thanks goes to Hana Niv for a job well done.

We served brunch which of course included the famous dairy dishes of potato lathes that Hana had made from scratch, pasta salad, green salad, fruit salad, mini jelly donuts, and Chanukah chocolate candy gelts. The table was decorated with kisses on color toothpicks which made them look like dreidels. Hana and Joshua Soudakoft lit the menorah, and told the story of Chanukah.

We had many new faces and guests as well. New faces were: Joanne & Stefan Garas, Charlotte & Sam Kadin, Bill Parker, Jeff Beck, Bruce Gross, Barbara Boyd, Brad Cohen, Alan ‘Spo’ Schwartz, Mark Friedman, Todd Bader, Alex Smirnoff and guests were Monica Schuster, Scott Johnson, Bob Miller, & Jeremy Holtz. Welcome all and hope you all enjoyed yourselves and see you at future events.

Sharon gave out a quiz, there were five questions:

  1. What is the Hebrew meaning of Chanukah?
  2. What is the Hebrew meaning of Shammash?
  3. What are the 4 letters on the dreidels?
  4. What does the 4 letters represent?
  5. What does the complete phrase of the 4 Hebrew words mean?

Brad Cohen & Jeff Dichter tied the game. They were given extra questions to break the tie: What day does Chanukah always fall on the Jewish Calendars (25th of Kislev) The next extra question was: how many days do they celebrate Chanukah in Israel? (8) Brad Cohen won. Congrats!

See answers on page 3 (Memorize so you can win a prize for next year.)

We had an origami contest, most people gave up, four people were brave to make something. They were Sam Kadin, Bill Parker, Lilly Benedict, and Jeff Beck. Bill Parker won the contest. We exchanged gifts then we all left at 3 p.m.

L to R: Sam Kadin, Joanne Garas, Stefan Garas, Charlotte Kadin, Brad Cohen

L to R: Lilly Benedict, Robert Arnold, Bill Parker, Mark Friedman

January 22, 1994 – 8:00 P.M.
Mohel Rabbi Yehuda Lebovics, with over 20 years of experience will talk about Circumcision: Medical or Religious Reasons?

February 23, 1994 – 8:00 P.M.
Rabbi Abner Weiss of Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills will talk about “Love, Sex & Marriage”.
These two lectures will be held at the Soudakoffs residence at 1717 Bagley Ave., L.A., CA 90035. Cost is $5.00 per person each lecture. Kosher refreshments will be served.

We will take an interpreted tour to the Museum of Tolerance. The date will be announced in the next issue.

Rabbi Yale Butler, Executive Editor for the Bnai Brith Messenger, will talk about: “What is Kosher and Why Keep Kosher?” Date to be announced.

We are now applying for Creative Services Group to become an non-profit organization. I am working with a local attorney who is assisting with the proper procedures and tegal advice as well. will be a while before we become an official non-profit organization.

The reason for doing this is because there are some organizations who want to donate money to us for future programs, but we need to be 501 (c)3 before they can give us any funding. It will be much easier to get funding through grants.

We will also be able to do newsletters more often with bulk permit which will keep costs very low compared to first class mail.

At this time, there will be no board nor memberships as we want to keep it simple and neutral and encouraging many different groups to participate.

We will also be able to donate and have a tax write-off.

Thanks to Barbara Boyd, David Rosenbaum and Todd Bader for their feedback and assistance.

Michael Soudakoff will appear on TV in February, he played in a movie made for TV, Once In A Lifetime” by Danielle Steele. He played the 3 month old role, Andrew and his mother was Lindsey Wagner. Jodi Dagan performed in a play with hearing students, “Cinderella” at Deaf West Theatre. The students were from TRIPOD and John Muir Middle School Drama Department. There were only two deaf actors.

Mazel Tov

Albert Woythaler & Gael Kelly
April 24, 1994

Amy Rubin-Sladek & Michael Michner
June 5,1994

Cynthia Glick & Randy Belzer
June 18, 1994

Elizabeth Kurs – November 29, 1993

Jeremy Balkan – December 18, 1993

NCSY (National Conference of Synagogue Youth) Our Way has events coming up on January 16 and February 20. For more inforamtion, contact Pam Friedman at 310/662-6631 TDD or Malka Breitman at 213/938-8008 VOICE. Their Chanukah party was also a success with a guest speaker, Rabbi Perry. Many people from the Creative Services Chanukah party attended there.

For more information about the Our Way Teens program, contact Lori & Jan Moore at 818/509-7740 V/ TDD evenings or 818/8942733 V/TDD daytime.

A Conference for Parents, of Children with Disabilities will be held at Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills, CA. on Sunday, January 9, 1994 from 1 to 6 p.m. Leam about programs, services and other resources available for people of ail ages and all disabilities both within and outside the Jewish community. They will display booths of organizations serving people with disabilities. There will be experts in the field of disabilities giving a lecture. Child care available, free admission, kosher refreshments.

For more information, call Council on Jewish Life 213/852-7706. There will be an sign language interpreter provided. Several organizations are sponsoring this event.

26 Participants x $10.00 260.00
2 Hana Niv & Sharon Soudakoff No charge
Utensils (plates, cups, napkins, etc) 38.20
Food 144.49
NET (PROFIT) 77.31
Additional Expenses:
Newsletter 5th Issue Expenses 57.94
Postage for 100 29.00


  1. Dedication
  2. Servants.
  3. Nun, Shin, Gimel, Hay
  4. Nun – nothing, Shin – put one in, Gimel – takes all, Hay – take half
  5. A Great Miracle Happened There (or Here)
Published On: 3 Iyyar 5770 (3 Iyyar 5770 (April 17, 2010))