Deaf Rabbi Lectures Online Weekly

Jewish Deaf Congress announces that Rabbi David Kastor will lead online lecture every Wednesday on various topics including Jewish culture, food, holidays, customs, clothing, history and tidbits. Everyone is welcome to join his lecture at no cost.

Lecturer: Rabbi David Kastor (ASL)
Topic: Fascinating Evidence – part 1
Time: Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (the US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 892 0800 1332
Passcode: 507327

Rabbi David Kastor graduated from Gallaudet University with BA in Computer Science in 1986. He married an Israeli Deaf woman, Tchia. He received his Smicha (Rabbinical Ordination) from Ner Israel in Baltimore, MD, several years ago; he started the Ahavas Yisrael School of the Deaf (Sunday Hebrew school) in Frederick, Maryland, and taught there for two years. He has worked for Our Way as Regional Representative of Maryland for over 30 years.

Source: Jewish Deaf Congress

Published On: 1 Adar I 5782 (1 Adar I 5782 (February 2, 2022))