Elaine Stock / We Shall Not Shatter

Supporting 2022 Debut Authors in Adult Fiction 2022
2022 Debuts

“We Shall Not Shatter”
A WWII story of friendship, family, and hope against all Odds
Elaine Stock

Zofia and Aanya’s story is inspired by my paternal heritage in Brzeziny Poland. Zofia, a hearing Catholic, and Aanya, a deaf and Jewish woman, have been friends since they’d met at the age of five while picking flowers for their mamas. The story opens in Brzeziny on the eve of the Nazi invasion of Poland. Will they and their families survive? What becomes of Brzeziny?

Publisher: Amsterdam Publishers
Publication Date: May 15, 2022
ISBN: 9789493231764
Available for order: elainestock.com/index.html

Elaine Stock writes Historical Fiction, exploring home, family and friendships throughout time. She enjoys creating stories showing how all faiths, races, and belief systems are interconnected and need each other.

Elaine Stock / We Shall Not Shatter

Elaine’s grandparents, on both sides of her family, narrowly escaped World War II by immigrating from Poland and Austria to the US. Fascinated by the strong will of people to overcome the horrors from this era, she wrote We Shall Not Shatter, Book 1 (releasing May 15, 2022) of the Resilient Women of WWII Trilogy, inspired by her deaf great aunt who was left behind as a teenager in Poland and perished in the Holocaust, while her other deaf siblings were permitted to enter the US when their young ages helped them to circumvent medically-revealing exams. Other extended family members also remained in Poland to lose their lives in the Holocaust.

Although multi-published in award-winning Inspirational Fiction, and a past blogger and online magazine contributor, Elaine now pens novels for the General reading audience. She is a member of Women’s Fiction Writers Association and The Historical Novel Society. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she has now been living in upstate, rural New York with her husband for more years than her stint as a city gal. She enjoys long walks down country roads, visiting New England towns, and of course, a good book.

Source: 2022debuts.com/2022/01/08/elaine-stock/

Published On: 30 Shevat 5782 (30 Shevat 5782 (February 1, 2022))