Etzba Elohim: Understanding and Interpreting Jewish Prayer in ASL

A course for ASL interpreters, CDIs and Deaf lay leaders is being offered by the Academy for Jewish Religion in partnership with the Jewish Deaf Resource Center (JDRC).

About the Course:

Jewish Liturgy Lectures
12 Tuesdays beginning
February 1, 2022
5:30 – 7:00 PM EST

ASL Prayer Study Lab
12 Thursdays beginning
February 3, 2022
8:00 – 9:00 PM EST

This course will focus on the depth, structure, and spiritual meaning of Jewish liturgy with special focus on the Friday night service. The course will be taught by an AJR Professor of Liturgy along with two ASL interpreters.

In addition, students will also attend the ASL Prayer Study Lab hosted by JDRC.

Why join us:

1.Develop a deeper understanding of the Friday night service liturgy to enable you to translate meaningfully into ASL.
2. Participate together with a community of learners dedicated to increasing spirituality of services.
3. Become a credentialized interpreter or lay leader of the Friday night services.
4. CEUs for ASL interpreters and CDIs from RID is pending approval

This project is funded by UJA-Federation of New York.

For registration and costs, click this interest form at

Deadline: Dec 31, 2021

For more information, contact JDRC at [email protected]

Source: Jewish Deaf Resource Center

Published On: 28 Tevet 5782 (28 Tevet 5782 (January 1, 2022))