The Los Angeles Teen Havurah had a full and enriching September. They are off to a good and busy New Year.
Their first activity was a Yom Kippur program designed especially for teens in conjunction with the Jewish Deaf Community Center. The program was a combination of worship services jointly with JDCC and discussions among the teens and their counselors. So exciting and interesting were all the activities that fasting was almost easy.
On Saturday, September 24, the teens joined JDCC again for an Israeli buffet in the sukkah. Afterwards they went to Brad Cohen’s home for an allnighter, followed by a wonderful Sunday morning brunch in the sukkah.
Activities for October include a fund raiser at the Sports Arena, and another all-righter and trip to Knotts Berry Farm.
Counselors for the Teen Havurah are Melanie Chaplick, Lauren Abbott and Eric Posner – all students at C.S.U.N.
Rabbi Fred Friedman – Making Havdalah
The Sukkah
The Future Jewish Deaf Leaders having fun!