Chanukah Brunch

It was a big success with fifty attendees. Thanks to Susan Margolin for letting us use her recreation room. Unfortunately Susan was sick, so big thanks goes to volunteers, Patti Goulston for handling the Gift Exchange and Deafparty games which Susan prepared, Eric Posner who helped Patti out with Deafparty, Hana Niv & Jay Malmeth for making homemade potato lathes, Alla Khodos who helped out in the kitchen and Andrea Kurs who made the fruit salad. Thanks to the people who donated the food expenses. A beautiful flyer, light blue paper with a gold menorah for this event with a response tear-cut form was sent.

1994 Chanukah Party
Hana Niv & Alla Khodos

Eric Posner – Deafpardy

Deafpardy Team

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))