Shirly Pinto meets with Association of the Deaf in Israel

In a Facebook posting, Israeli Deaf social-political activist and newly-elected Member of Knesset for Yamina party in Israel reported “I met this morning with the chairman of אגודת hẖyrşym vyşr’l – The Association of the Deaf in Israel, Eti Schwartzberg, who is also a very dear friend! At the meeting we started to build a detailed program to promote deaf and hard of hearing people in Israel.

“Among other things – accessing the health system in routine and emergency, accessing television broadcasts, improving translation services and interpreter conditions, and the list is still long.

“I have to say that I was very excited about the meeting and said at the meeting that I would serve the deaf community and do my best together with the association to bring us all a better place to live!

“This is just the beginning 💪🏻”

Source: Facebook: Shirly Pinto

Published On: 3 Av 5781 (3 Av 5781 (July 12, 2021))