The WSJD Board is extremely pleased to announce the appointment of Jeffrey Buxbaum as our new president and Toby R. Silver as our new member at large. Toby and Jeffrey each expressed interest in serving on the board. Please join us giving a warm welcome to Toby and Jeffrey!
Jeffrey Buxbaum was born in Montreal, Canada and raised in New Jersey. He and his wife, Marcie resides in Northern Virginia. They have 2 children – their daughter is a college junior and son is a high school senior. Marcie and Jeffrey have been active with WSJD for a long time. Jeffrey served as treasurer from 2011 to 2016. He looks forward to working with the board members as well as the community in building WSJD to be stronger and exciting in the years to come.
Toby R. Silver, a native Washingtonian, grew up in a Conservative Jewish household. She overcame lack of access to Jewish education and had her Bas Mitzvah in her synagogue, speaking both in Hebrew and English.
As a longtime member of WSJD, Toby has not only participated often as one of the lay leaders for the ASL High Holy Day services but also helped plan the highly successful Babka Bake. She looks forward to giving back and helping to foster a sense of belonging among the local Jewish Deaf community.
Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf