Erez Miller, a doctoral candidate at Boston College, and Arlene Fruchter has printed the ‘Second Directory of Educational and Religious Services to Deaf Jews.’ They surveyed about 250 organizations across the U.S. to collect information about types and the extent of religious and educational services available to Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and adults. After numerous revisions and corrections, they recently completed the directory. Included are the listings of 87 organizations across 17 states (plus Washington DC) that provide such services to Deaf Jews. They have also included a comprehensive bibliography of articles, books and other materials about Deaf Jews. They are interested in getting this information out to as many organizations and individuals as possible so that Deaf people can find which services are accessible to them in their (or nearby) community. You can purchase this directory for $8.60. Make check payable to Arlene Fruchter, and mail to her at 86 Griggs Rd., Brookline, MA 02146.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))