NCJD 21st Biennial Convention

 imageClose to 400 people attended the recent NCJD Convention in Chicago, IL. The National Congress of Jewish’s bylaws and elections have been suspended while restructuring Jewish Deaf Congress’s bylaws.The officers of JDC are: Barbara Boyd (President), Martin Florsheim (Vice President of Finance), Alan Hurwitz (Vice President of Administration), and Steve Brenner (Treasurer). The Executive Secretary position is vacant. Award winners: Plapinger Essay Award went to Shoshannah Stern of Fremont, CA., the Anna & Henry Plapinger Award went to Steve Brenner of Potomac, MD. The next convention will be held at Universal City, CA hosted by Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf. There were no bids for the 2000 convention, so there may be a conventor plan.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))