Letters to the Editor

image I am excited to share with you that JDCC News is now in cyberspace!!! You can find us on the World Wide Web at:members.aol.com/jdccnews/ Our big thanks to Jim Cherry for making this possible! At this time, three issues (May/June, July/August, and Sept/Oct) and it is wonderful to see color photos. Go and browse through it, and give us your feedback on any ideas!

We had a booth at Deaf Expo ’96 and it was fun! JDCC’s booth was decorated with Chanukah lights.Over 75 new people signed on our mailing list! JDCC donated funds to enable Deaf Expo to provide a Castle Moon Bounce for the Children’s program. David Rosenbaum, Director of Marketing did a great job putting the Deaf Expo together! Bravo! Thanks to Ruth Morris, Sheila & Leslie Goodman and Eddie Friedman for volunteering their time at JDCC’s booth on Sunday.

We welcome Lore Rosenthal aboard starting with this issue. She will be write the Interpreter’s column. She comes from Philadelphia, PA and is one of the rare interpeters that can ‘transliterate’ from Hebrew to English during services!!! Her column appears on page 11.

We have also added a new column ‘Jewish Deaf Profile’. Barry Strassler will be writing these articles. The first column appears on page 7.

I want to thank Avremi Swerdlov of New York who helped greatly during our Yom Kippur services. He made sure our services went smoothly, and he did a great job assisting Rabbi Fred Friedman!

Don’t forget to buy the new Chanukah stamps that the United States Postal Service has released for your holiday cards! Wishing you all a very happy Chanukah!

JDCC’S Mailbox

Dear Sharon,

Once again to thank you for your efforts, kindness and mitzvahs – – You do “MAKE A DIFFERENCE” in a person’s life!!

I am looking forward to Rosh Hashana and being in a Jewish surrounding and also sign language environment since my retirement – I’m kinda isolated from both. Sad!! Well, dear — Merci — Thanks – – Shalom!!!

Alice Boxer
Hawthorne, CA

Editor’s reply: JDCC arranged for transportation to enable Alice Boxer to attend JDCC High Holiday services and want to thank Susan Margolin for being willing to bring Alice to services.

Dear Sharon,

To thank you once again for reaching out to us and caring for our flock. You are super and special!!!!

Jeff Lubman’s charisma, presence and leadership made the Rosh Hashana services very enjoyable. Since some of us participate in holiday services only, I would have preferred adhering to Rosh Hashana services than the group discussion which would have been a treat topic for another social event. Please don’t consider this suggestion as criticism as I’m here to praise you for your outstanding endeavors. (It’s only one viewpoint)

All in all I enjoyed the day including the tempting and delish repast! I just hope Susan would help me again for your other events.

The best part was seeing the baby and your children. I just adore babies and wish I were a grandma. Thanks again – a Happy New Year to you all!!! Love and Shalom.

Alice Boxer
Hawthorne, CA

Dear Sharon,

Thank thank you so much re: to the interesting newsletter. Funny was that I’ve never heard or know of them – I really enjoyed to read it thoroughly. So I’ll been expecting the July/August Issues as mentioned in your letter…And I’ll show them to some people & let’s hope they’re interested to subscribe too.

Trusting this finds you all at home are doing well & happy. Again, thanks. Shalom. Bye with love.

Sally ‘Sylvia’ Auerbach
Sunnyside, N.Y.

Dear Sharon,

I’ve just read in the JDCC News that you have completed your two year term as President of the National Congress of Jewish Deaf. And, from what I regularly read in the JDCC, it seems like you are always busy moving the organization to greater heights! Mazel tov.

L’Shana Tova to you and the members of the Jewish Deaf Community Center. Sincerely yours.

Laura S. Kaplansky
Senior Development Officer
Jewish Federation Council of L.A.
Los Angeles, CA


I really appreciate for the service with an Orthodox Rabbi from Baltimore. I really enjoyed the moment with the deaf Rabbi and it taught me something that I didn’t know of the Jewish heritage and it makes me feel happy being a Jew in my life. And I want to keep this way for Deaf Jewish Culture and wanted to promote JDCC and JDC too. Thank you.

Marc Rubin
Lancaster, CA

Dear Sharon,

I hope that you are well.

This is a brief note to thank you for sending me the issue #23 of your J.D.C.C. News. It was excellent and interesting. Thank you for keeping me informed.

My family joins me in my very best wishes to you and yours. Most sincerely.

Rabbi Abner Weiss, Ph.D.
Beth Jacob Congregation
Beverly Hills, CA

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))