This extraordinary musical, A Sign Upon Your Hand, is about a dedicated teacher and a determined deaf boy and mitzvot. San Diego resident – and JDCC News Columnist Adam Stone appears in this play which is based on an actual story. Interpreted performances of this play will be given at Temple Beth Hillel of North Hollywood and Leo Baeck Temple in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, November 8th. This play has received acclaimations from several newspapers and is presented by ShowBIS, a children’s theater company under auspices of Temple Beth Israel in San Diego. This play is the 12th musical written by Cara Freedman. For more information, contact JDCC at [email protected] or Fax 818/845-9936.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))