Young Adults Corner

stone37 Merry Hanukkah!
Winter’s coming and you know what that means! Latkes, dreidels, colorful wax candles, clothes from your grandmother that you’ll never wear in your life (except when you visit her). Unfortunately, Hanukkah celebrations are often overshadowed by the dominating Christmas influence. It doesn’t take much to see it – all you have to do is drive down the streets and you’re continually bombarded by fruitcakes, Christmas lights, wreaths, nativity scenes, and Christmas-type movies such as let’s a Wonderful Life.” But do you ever see Hanukkah movies? Nope!

Now, personally, I like the nativity scenes and the overall feeling of goodness that the Christmas season provides. But it can be hard on us never knowing when next year’s Hanukkah will fall. It’s easy for them – America is the Christmas Country. And we can’t all afford to jump to Israel and stay there for 8 days basking in the Hanukkah season there. What are we to do?

It can be tempting around that time to decide to become a Christian, just so that you can be part of everything. You’d be able to sing “Jingle Bells” and say “Merry Christmas” to everyone. But think of the advantages that Hanukkah provides -namely, P R E S E N T S! That’s right, we get 8 days’ worth of presents (until we turn 14 or around that anyway). Christmas people only get 1 day’s worth! Now, this posts significant financial gains for us. I know I sound greedy, but around Christmas, everyone does. Paradoxically, everyone also gets into the mood of giving (or so they say!).

But I’m not trying to explain the whole thing to you you can figure it out just by going outside. What I’m trying to say is that it can be overwhelming sometimes, always seeing that Santa Claus riding the Norelco razor through the snow. Or that annoying Frosty the Snowman show that seems to pop up on all the channels at different times. But persevere! The end is in sight! All this is over on December 26th. Everyone will be throwing out the Christmas trees, the red-green gift wrappers, packing up the ornaments and nativity scenes and getting ready for the Bowl games. Then we get our recognition when they show The Ten Commandments” at Passover.

Enjoy your winter vacation, and when someone says Merry Christmas,” correct them with “Happy Hanukkah!” Remember, you’re not alone! Unless you believe in Santa Claus . . Anyway, can you spell M-A-T-Z-O? See you later!

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))