CODA Rabbi in Los Angeles

Rabbi David Kasher Associate Rabbi at IKAR, a leading edge Jewish community in Los Angeles that seeks to inspire people across the religious spectrum.

Rabbi Kasher gives Erev Rosh Hashanah Sermon.

Rabbi Kasher is a CODA – child of Deaf Adults – son of Bea Worthen and Steve Kasher. He has a J.S.D. from Berkeley Law and was ordained as Rabbi at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. He grew up in the Bay Area and Brooklyn. After several years in yeshivot in Israel, he entered rabbinical school.

In his current capacity at IKAR, Rabbi Kasher coordinates IKAR’s Adult Learning offerings and works closely with TRIBE (IKAR’s 20s/30s group).


Source: YouTube

Published On: 17 Tishri 5779 (17 Tishri 5779 (September 26, 2018))