“Israel: Intersectionality and Religiosity” presentations to be held January 25 and 26, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018, noon, JSAC MPR: Jewish/Arabic Relations: Deafhood & Religion

Join us for a presentation about the relationship between deaf Jews and Arabs within Israel, given by Shirley Pinto.

With the tension at the borders versus the interaction of deaf Jews and Arabs within Israel – how do Jews and Arabs live side by side when it comes to deaf Jews and Arabs? When incidents of terrorism cause tension within the country, does deaf identity outweigh religion?

Statistics and facts about deaf Jews and Arabs in Israel, educational institutions and interaction among between the two communities will be discussed.

Friday, January 26 at 6 p.m., JSAC MPR: Israel Defenses Forces: People with Disabilities, Inclusion, LGBTQIA+

The mandatory military draft of all 18 year olds after they complete high school, with a focus on the growing trend of the deaf and hard of hearing who enlist in the IDF of their own free will. (Deaf people are not required to serve in the army.)

Why does the State of Israel allow the recruitment of people with disabilities, including deaf people? Why do deaf Israelis take part and enlist in the IDF? Does an Israeli view his relationship to his country differently than people of other nations?

Current data on the number of recruits as well as the specific roles and positions offered to deaf people and others with different disabilities will be provided.

Source: my.gallaudet.edu/intranet/announcements-archive/israel-intersectionality-and-religiosity-presentations-to-be-held-january-25-and-26-2018

Published On: 26 Shevat 5778 (26 Shevat 5778 (February 11, 2018))