Wild by Hannah Moskowitz

New book mentioned on a blog: “Wild” by Hannah Moskowitz.

Zack Ramos knows of two things – he must be a parent to his 12 year old sister once their mum’s Alzheimer’s progresses too far and he must train for a hundred mile race through the mountains of Tennessee. His support comes from longtime girlfriend, Jordan, whom he met online and still hasn’t met. And Jordan herself is coming to terms with how she’s going to tell Zack that she’s deaf. In terms of representation, this book is packed with it. A Guatemalan/Jewish Deaf bisexual love interest and Filipino bisexual protagonist. Hardly any of the cast is white and of course, we have a main character with a disability that is a main focus of the story. Hilarious, heart-warming and diverse, this short story is definitely one you need to pick up!

Source: twobookthieves.blogspot.ca/2017/06/diversity-recs-bisexual-characters-ii.html

Published On: 7 Elul 5777 (7 Elul 5777 (August 29, 2017))