Reflections on WSJD
by Jeff Cohen
As I reflect upon the past six years as President of WSJD, it has been humbling to say the least. When I was first elected, I had many goals. Some of them have included:
* Increasing attendance at ASL High Holy Days
* Increasing the number of events on Jewish learning and spirituality
* Increasing participation
* Growing our membership
* Enhancing our standing in the Jewish community
During my tenure, we have accomplished these goals and more. I could not be more proud of our current and past board members who have worked hard on behalf of the WSJD community, the entire community, and the many Jewish leaders throughout the metropolitan Washington, DC area. I have had great pleasure in working with each one of them. In retrospect, there are many words that describe my feelings about WSJD.
1. Inspired – I enjoyed watching many people connect to their Jewish heritage – spiritually and socially. Our recent Passover event, which drew over 100 people, is an example of this. I am also inspired by the work of WSJD’s new Caring Committee, which provides support to the Jewish Deaf members in need.
2. Energized – I loved seeing the positive change that Dina Rae Padden, our program director, introduces through a variety of programs which sparks new interests, new passions, and new ideas.
3. Renewed – Many people from our community have come to identify WSJD as the place to be. WSJD is where all the friendships, relationships and connections are made. People of different ages who have attended our events mentioned WSJD in conversations, on Facebook, and in tweets.
4. Challenged – While we do take pride in our Jewish peoplehood, culture and heritage, we are challenged by changing times, where technology has become the norm. What does this mean for WSJD? How can WSJD remain relevant to the diverse and pluralistic Jewish Deaf Community? While change can be good and by being open to new ideas, WSJD will continue to grow.
5. Encouraged – WSJD is recognized by the Jewish Community locally through Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, Hillel at Gallaudet, Our Way, and nationally through Jewish Deaf communities in Florida, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Rochester, New York. Many organizations have looked to WSJD for ideas, support, partnership, insights, and growth.
Now that my term as president has ended, I know that I am leaving WSJD with a stronger foundation. As the WSJD Board of Directors’ immediate past president, I will continue to work with the board and community locally and nationally to continue to promote the positive impact of WSJD. I also will continue my work as the Co-Chair of the Inclusion Committee at the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and as a Member at Large on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.
It is with great pride that I introduce new officers of the WSJD Board of Directors. Please join me in wishing them success and mazel tov!
President – Susan Cohen
Vice President – Michael Pearlman
Secretary – David Strom
Treasurer – Vicki Lowen
Director 1 – Jeff Dunefsky
Director 2 – Brendan Stern
Director 3 – Sarah Rosen Strom
President Emeritus – Steve Brenner
Do get involved – be passionate and be part of the community. Continue to learn from each other.
May WSJD continue to go from strength to strength!
Jeff Cohen
Immediate Past President,
Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf