Frederick C. Schreiber Distinguished Service Award
Gerald “Bummy” Burstein
Presented in recognition of an individual member of NAD deemed to have contributed, on a volunteer basis and nationwide, to the well being of deaf andhard of hearing people in the United States during the previous two years. The Frederick C. Schreiber Distinguished Service Award is named in memory of the first executive director of the NAD.
Chief Executive Officer’s Award
Helena Schmitt of Maryland
Presented in recognition of exceptional service on behalf of the Association for special contributions to the NAD and/or its special programs.
Knights of the Flying Fingers (KFF) Award
Howard Rosenblum
Presented to individual members of the NAD in recognition of outstanding and dedicated volunteer service on behalf of the National Association of the Deaf.
Accessibility Award
Midwest Center on Law and the Deaf
Presented to an individual or organizational entity in recognition of exceptional efforts to bring about greater accessibility for the benefit of deaf or hard of hearing Americans. Alarmed by the fact that many deaf and hard of hearing people are unable to obtain adequate legal services, the Midwest Center on the Law and the Deaf (MCLD) was founded in 1999 by Howard A. Rosenblum, a profoundly deaf attorney, and David Jones, a hard of hearing attorney and certified sign language interpreter.
NAD President’s Award
Nancy Bloch
Presented in recognition of exceptional service on behalf of the Association for special contributions to the NAD and/or its special programs.
Various News Worth Mentioning
Lawrence R. Newman’s book on past NAD presidents titled “Sands of Time: NAD Presidents 1880-2003” has been published.
Bernard Bragg talks about how past NAD president Larry Newman first persuaded him to donate to the NAD many years ago. Bragg donated a significant amount of money to a NAD endowment fund focused on the arts and films.
The Senior Citizens luncheon features a Keynote Presentation by T. Alan Hurwitz titled, “Potpourri of Life Experiences: Trials and Tribulations.”
Tribute to ASL and Deaf Culture – performers included, Bernard Bragg, Charles Katz and Alan “SPO” Schwartz
NAD Chess Conference Tournament – Ten players from all over the country competed in the tournament, including Mark Alan Corson of California who had 6 points and placed in fourth.
College Bowl – The 10th NAD College Bowl brings together young and talented deaf and hard of hearing college students from California State University at Northridge; Gallaudet University; and the National Technical Institute for the Deaf at the Rochester Institute of Technology for an evening of spirited academic competition in their quest for the bragging rights as the nation’s smartest deaf and hard of hearing students.
Coach for CSUN was Barbara Boyd and Coach for Gallaudet was Robert Weinstock. The emcee was Jackie Roth of New York. Final score: CSUN 13, NTID 55, Gallaudet 103.
NAD Board of Directors 2006-2008: Genie Gertz (Region IV Board Member).
Shane Feldman coordinated the 2006 NAD Conference Blog. He explains in his farewell notes to NAD Conference that “I started the blog as an experiment, little did I know that nine days and 95 Blog posts later it would grow to become a lifeline for many who were unable to attend, and an excellent source of information for those attending the Conference.”